EPOS Data ‘Analysis and Management

GMT eye

Our bespoke software using live stored data

GMT eye can provide data and feedback for the following key areas:

Product Performance – The system automatically provides dashboards and reports that enables our Partners & our Team Manager & Supervisor to monitor all of the product's categories to review how they are performing aligned to ranging and expected sales, under-performing products are readily identified and a corrective action plan can be put in place.

Promotional Activity – GMT Eye also monitors promotional compliance, highlighting products that are not reaching expected sales uplift for the size or profile of store, this enables us to deliver a plan in order to ensure that promotional sales are driven to expectations before it’s too late and the cycle has closed, driving sales and ensuring store are not left with large post promotional stock profiles.

Stock & Availability management is also controlled as part of GMT Eye, profiling stock to store sales and hence ensuring that Stocks are maintained at reassuring and adequate levels.

How does TSeye help?

The data that GMT collects, using GMT Eye, including all the above, can then be compiled into a report. Those reports inform you of the general performance of your market, the problems identified and how they were resolved. It is laid out in an easy to read and easy to navigate manner to increase understanding and minimize the possibility of re-occurrence.

Our newly developed reporting is able to track New Product Development (NPD) performance, promotional performance, supply chain insights and in-store scorecards.

Working on our experience in the field and in retail, we have developed our unique GMT eye retail data tool.

This enables us to offer a service to our clients by using Market data to identify issues at individual Category’s SKU level, intelligently improving availability on behalf of our clients.

Using GMTeye, combined with our Experience in the trade, allows us access to live & real retail data. By capturing interventions at SKU level through our retail data services, we are able to provide clients with an accurate ROI to effectively plan for ongoing campaigns.